Waterrepellent with HyTecco GmbH
Hytecco WR - Surfaces Hydrophobier
Hydrophobing a building material means making it water -repellent or at least reducing its water absorption significantly. The hydrophobic active ingredient occupies the inner pore and capillary surfaces and makes them water-repellent without closing the pores and capillaries. As a result, the diffusion ability (breathability) of the building material remains almost unchanged.
The high porosity of the concrete edge zone compared to the core concrete favors the quick penetration of liquids into concrete components via capillary. If the moisture also gets into the concrete with the moisture such as chlorides - for example from a thousand salt solutions or sea water - this leads to a corrosion of reinforcement by hole. But air pollutants can also harm the concrete: carbon dioxide in connection with water can cause carbonatization of the concrete, which also leads to reinforcement corrosion.

Hytecco WR - Surfaces Hydrophobier - The innovative solution for the protection of mineral building materials
The key function of hydrophobier is preventing the capillary water transport. Mineral building materials such as natural stone, bricks, plasters and concrete absorb water, which entails numerous problems. Invised water can lead to frost damage, transport salts or pollutants and favor biological vegetation by algae, braids or fungi. In addition, moisture worsens the thermal insulation of external walls significantly.
Methods for water dismissal were already used in ancient times - the Romans soaked bricks with oils, for example, to keep them dry. Hytecco WR is based on the same principle, but with the latest technology and innovative materials.
Functioning of HyTecco WR - Surfaces Hydrophobier
The principle of hydrophobol is to reduce the surface energy of mineral building materials. Water has a high surface tension and is attracted to high energy by surfaces, while it is repelled by low energy.
Modern hydrophobic agents, such as the Silane used in Hytecco WR, are so -called hermaphrodite molecules with hydrophobic (water -repellent) and a hydrophilic (water -closer) part. The hydrophilic side binds to the mineral building material surface, while the molecules network and form a silicone. This creates a permanent, water -repellent surface.
Since silane liquids with very small molecules are, they are absorbed deep into the poral system of the building material and impregnate it up to several millimeters. Although the hydrophobier itself remains invisible, Hytecco WR ensures highly effective water dismissal, so that, for example, rainwater can no longer penetrate fine cracks.
Hytecco WR offers a durable and effective solution for hydrophobier mineral building materials - for sustainable protection against moisture, pollutants and weather influences.
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Telephone: +41 76 401 25 82
E-Mail: info@hytecco.com